Third District Court of Appeal Historical Society

About Us

The Third District Court of Appeal Historical Society was incorporated in 2008 by its co-founders, Edward G. Guedes and Kathleen M. O’Connor. The Society is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation, collection, and commemoration of the history of Florida’s Third District Court of Appeal. The Society's mission is to preserve the Court's historical records; to collect and create further records, in print and electronic media; to commemorate the history and achievements of the Court; and to educate the public about the workings of the Court and the judicial system. The Society is neither part of the judicial branch of the state of Florida, nor is it owned or controlled by the Third District Court of Appeal.

Our Current Officers & Board Members


Jay A. Yagoda

Vice President
Brigid Cech Samole

Greenberg Traurig, P.A.

Calianne Lantz

President Emeritus
Jeffrey Crockett

Coffey Burlington, P.L.

Ivy Ginsberg

Senior Assistant Attorney General, Office of the Attorney General

Board Members

Charles M. Auslander
Allen Bonner
Haccord Curry
Karla Perkins
Annabel C. Majewski


Past Presidents

Our Founders


Edward G. Guedes


Kathleen M. O’Connor