Former Judges
As of August 2020, there have been forty-three judges who have served on the Third District Court of Appeal, ten of whom are currently serving. More information about the Court’s thirty-three former judges can be obtained here.
A portrait is commissioned of each judge at the Court who is elected by his or her colleagues to serve in the prestigious role as Chief Judge. Those portraits hang in the courtroom to remind the participants of the Court’s history. Here are some of those portraits.
Judge Mallory Horton
Judge Mallory Horton was one of the initial three judges on the Court in 1957 and served as its second chief judge from 1959-1961.
Judge Thomas H. Barkdull Jr.
Judge Thomas H. Barkdull, Jr. was elected chief judge by his colleagues for several terms from 1963 to 1976.
Judge Alan R. Schwartz
Judge Alan R. Schwartz was elected chief judge by his colleagues in 1983 and was continuously re-elected as chief judge until his retirement in 2004.